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Twelve reasons for thread breakage of sewing machines and So
source:小编 | Time of publication:}

  Thread breakage is a common fault in sewing. The quality of the sewing thread does not meet the requirements, improper adjustment of the machine, sharp edges of threading parts, problems with the operation method, insufficient cooling of the needle, etc. all these will lead to the thread breakage of the sewing machine. Next, by Sewing Machine Wire Break Sensor small series to explain some of the reasons for sewing machine broken thread and solutions, I hope to be able to help you.

Sewing Machine Wire Break Sensor​

  1. Cause of failure: there are sharp corners or needle slots on the edge of the pinhole;

  Solution: after polishing the pinhole, please use or replace it with a new one.

  2. Cause of failure: the threading hole of the top thread becomes thicker, and the suture is stuck when moving.

  Solution: it can be polished and polished by grinding or using polishing paste.

  3. Fault reason: sewing thin thread of thick material.

  Solution: replace the suture accordingly.

  4. Cause of failure: poor suture strength.

  Solution: replace the suture.

  5. Cause of failure: the crimping pressure is too tight, resulting in bruise or breakage of the suture.

  Solution: loosen the clamp nut properly.

  6. Cause of failure: the inner groove of the rotary hook is at an acute angle, which will damage the seam or break the thread.

  Solution: polish the inside of the hook and try to install it, or replace the hook with a new one.

  7. Cause of failure: improper assembly between hook positioning hook and shed notch.

  Solution: adjust the coordination of the positioning hook of the rotary hook to make the surface line pass smoothly.

  8. Cause of failure: the needle is overheated and the chemical fiber line is fused.

  Solution: machine needle or suture (silicone oil) is used for chemical fiber thread.

  9. Cause of failure: there are burrs and sharp corners on the edge of the needle plate containing the pinhole, which may damage the suture.

  Solution: use yarn rope and polishing paste to polish, but it can't be pulled too big, too big will lead to jumper.

  10. Fault reason: the position of the needle is not correct;

  Solution: adjust the needle to the correct position.

  11. Cause of failure: the needle is bent.

  Solution: replace it with a new needle.

  12. Cause of failure: the up and down stroke of the needle bar is incorrect, the thread take-up on the needle bar crank, the crank set screw is not located in the groove of the thread take-up crank, or the positioning direction is wrong.

  Solution: after relocation, please correct the wrong orientation.

  The above 12 points are all about the causes of thread breakage of sewing machine and the solutions. Thank you for your understanding and support!

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