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Three problems should be paid attention to when using electr
source:小编 | Time of publication:}

  The portable sewing machine is not a mechanical equipment that can generate electricity by itself. To meet the sewing requirements is a kind of electric power to drive various parts. Therefore, the ability of portable sewing machine is very strong, but it also needs regular power supply. Now by Sewing Machine Wire Break Sensor small series to explain the portable sewing machine in the use of electricity should pay attention to the problem, hope to be able to help you.

Sewing Machine Wire Break Sensor

  1、 Before using the sewing machine, be sure to check all parts, especially the power supply parts. Whether the power supply voltage is consistent with the specified input voltage of the motor, and the commonly used voltage is 220 v. If the power supply voltage does not match, a voltage conversion operation is required to continue using the portable sewing machine. This must be brought to our attention.

  2、 When using the thread break sensor of sewing machine, attention must be paid to prevent electric shock. The power cord must be a three core wire of the grounding wire. We need to check the insulation of the internal wire regularly. Usually, if insulation measures are taken, there will be no electric shock accident. Many parts of the manual sewing machine itself are also made of insulating materials.

  3、 Pay attention to the electrical environment. No matter it is in a wet place, if it is wet, try to lift the bag to a relatively dry place or wear insulating gloves before sewing.

  The above three points are all about the three problems that should be paid attention to when using electricity for portable sewing machines. Thank you for your understanding and support!

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