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What solutions can be adopted to solve the problems caused b
source:小编 | Time of publication:}

  A sewing machine is a machine that uses one or more sewing threads to form one or more stitches on the sewing materials so as to interweave or sew one or more layers of sewing materials together. The sewing machine can sew cotton, linen, silk, wool, man-made fibers and other fabrics as well as leather, plastic, paper and other products. The stitches are neat and beautiful, flat and firm, fast and easy to use. And use it to derive art forms, such as hand embroidery and computer embroidery. How to solve the problem caused by sewing machine heating? Let's talk about it from the sewing machine thread break sensor.

Sewing Machine Wire Break Sensor

  1. Needle heating has a lot to do with fabric. The thicker the fabric is, the larger the contact area between the needle and the fabric, the greater the friction, and the easier the heating is. The needle bar can be raised to reduce the contact between the stroke and the fabric. Try to use lighter needles, such as aluminum needles, to achieve good heat dissipation.

  2. Cool with silicone oil. If silicone oil and spray gun water can be used to dilute the bubble line.

  3. Adjust the clearance between needle protector and needle to zero. The needle protector not only promotes the formation of the thread ring, but also helps the heat dissipation of the needle.

  4. High quality imported needles or needles with higher specifications and heat resistance can be used.

  5. Keep the machine needle, machine needle and bending needle out of contact as far as possible to reduce friction. The teeth should be good, the feeding should be light, and because of this difference, the fabric will not be squeezed too much.

  6. If there is air, you can make a blowing needle according to the automatic blowing and blowing mode of the car to stimulate heat. However, the air must be cooled.

  7. Reduce the running speed of the sewing machine.

  The above seven points are all about the solutions to the problems caused by the heating of the sewing machine. Thank you for your understanding and support!

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