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This paper briefly describes a manufacturing method of threa
source:小编 | Time of publication:}

  As one of the sensors, sewing machine thread break sensor has a very wide range of applications in our life. We must be familiar with the sewing machine thread break sensor. Today we will introduce a manufacturing method of sewing machine thread break sensor!

sewing machine thread break sensor

  1. An automatic control device for thread breakage detection of a sewing machine includes a controller connected with a motor of the sewing machine, which is characterized in that the automatic control device also includes a thread detection system, which is arranged on the top of the sewing machine and communicated with the thread detection system through a signal receiver.

  2. The automatic control device for thread breakage detection of sewing machine according to claim 1, which is characterized in that the upper thread detection system comprises a shell mounted on the top of the sewing machine, in which a base, a transmission mechanism, a turntable and a photoelectric sensor are arranged, the transmission mechanism is mounted on the base, and the upper thread of the sewing machine passes through the transmission mechanism first, Then it goes to the gripper assembly of the sewing machine and to the needle. The turntable is connected with the transmission mechanism and can rotate with the transmission mechanism; A grid is arranged on the turntable; The photoelectric sensor is fixed on the base through the bracket of the photoelectric sensor; The grid on the turntable is located in the center of the photoelectric sensor; The photoelectric sensor communicates with the signal receiver on the controller.

  The above is the introduction of inger electronic technology on the production of a sewing machine thread break sensor, so this article ends here, thank you for reading!

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