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What do you know about the features of the weft detector of
source:小编 | Time of publication:}

  As one of the sensors, rapier loom weft detector has the same function as other types of sensors, that is, detection induction function. We don't know that different types of sensors have the same function, but there are obvious differences. Today, we will introduce the function characteristics of rapier loom weft detector? Now let ingor electronic technology for you to introduce in detail.

weft detector 

  1. By controlling the action of electromagnetic clutch, the loom can be controlled.

  2. The weft detector of rapier loom has the functions of slight movement, one weft, start, position and stop, emergency stop, etc.

  3. The weft detector of rapier loom has automatic positioning function when warp stop, weft stop, weft storage stop and other faults stop.

  4. The weft detector of rapier loom has the function of adjusting stop angle.

  5. The weft detector of rapier loom has the function of one point moving speed adjustment.

  The above is the rapier loom weft detector function features on the specific introduction, so this article is over here, thank you for reading!

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